Simple Sentence   




简单陈述句的语序一般为: 主语 + 动词 + 宾语 + 状语(方式+地点+时间) 时间状语可以在句尾,也可以在句首


2.1 一般疑问句

Is this your handbag?
Yes, it is; No, it isn't
Is this book Stella's?
Is that pen your father's?
Is he cold or hot?   选择疑问句
Can't you wait a moment?    你不能等一会吗?
Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th?
Haven't I asked you?  难道我没问过你吗?
Don't you know english?  Yes, I do.
你不懂英语吧? 不,我懂。
Need I make an appointment?  我需要约一下时间吗?
Must I  call the doctor?    我必须请大夫吗?

2.2 特殊疑问句

以疑问词 who, what, when, which, why, where, whose, how 等引导的问句都叫特殊疑问句,有时还被称为 wh-问句。结构一般为:疑问句+助动词+主语+主动词等。作为疑问句的what可以用来询问名字、国籍、工作、颜色、型号等

What make is this car?
What is your/her/his job?
What colour is your new dress?

Whose is that shirt?
Whose shirt is that?

When did she ask a question?
She asked a question ten minutes ago.

how ... 的一些社交上用法,表示“如何”
how is life? 生活如何?
how are you? 你好吗?
How sensitiveity is it.

What's Tom like?(What ... like?)      He's very fat.

2.3 反义疑问句的回答

He doesn't say very much, does he?   他没有说很多,是吗?
-->No, he doesn't.  是的,他没有写多少
-->Yes, he does.      不是的,他写了很多。

She went to Pairs last month, didn't she?   他上个月去巴黎,不是吗?
--> Yes, she did.         是的,她去巴黎
--> No, she didn't       不是的,她没有去巴黎

3. Exclamations(感叹句)



What + adj. + n. + it + is.
What an interesting play (it is).
What  a lot of flowers


What + n. + it + is
What a thing to say
What a day

4. There be 句型

(1) 在说明或者询问人、物等的存在时即可使用该结构

There's an ice cream man 比说 An ice cream man is there 更合乎习惯,也更为自然。该结构可将重要的信息置于句末,以示强调。该结构实际主语是 be 后面的名词。加入该名称是单数就用 is,如是复数则为 are.
当 be 后跟单数名称或不可数名词时,动词 be 的一般形式为 is;当后面跟复数名词时,动词用 are 。后面后跟几个并列名词,而第一个名词是单数,动词仍用 is. 

(2) 变成疑问句时只要将 be 和 there 互换位置,句子其余成分不变,如:

Is there a dirty fork on the plate?

(3) 变成否定句时,需在动词 be 后加 not(any) 或 no。如:

No, there is not a fork on the plate.
No, there isn't one in the cupboard.
No, there aren't any ties on the floor.
No, there are no newspapers on the shelf.

5. 祈使句

4.1 祈使句的否定省略式

形式为 Don't(或 Do not) + 动词原形,如:Don't wait.
Don't speak to me like that!(别那样跟我说话)

使用祈使句时,重音、语调、手势和面部表情,尤其是情景和上下文,都说明这种形式用于表示是否友好、不客气、愤怒、不耐烦、有说服性等。一般而言,祈使句的否定式通常用 Don’t 来表示,完整形式 Do not 主要用于正式文告中。


如果我们认为将来的事情是可能发生的,就可用第1类条件句去描述将会发生什么事或不会发生什么事。 其基本结构是:    If + 一般现在时 + 将来时(或情态助动词),如:    If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the seaside.    如果明天下雨,我们就不去海边。    If 从句中的现在时表示需具备的条件,主句中的 shall/will 将来时表示可能的结果。具备的条件是真 实的,可能真的下雨。如果是这样,它就会有真实的结果。这就是为什么这样的陈述句常被称为“开放” 条件句或“真实”条件句的原因。事实上,在第1类条件句中,一切现在时态都能用在 if 之后,而不仅 仅是一般现在时。请看例句:    If he falls, he’ll hurt himself.    If you don’t hurry, we’ll miss the train.    If you feel better, you can get up.    If I am better tomorrow, I will get up.    If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin.    If I can afford it, I will buy it.